SS Educational Services

Disability Awareness Day

On Sunday, 12th September, it was the 30th anniversary of Disability Awareness Day. On their website they state that the day concentrates on 3 main themes: 


  • To highlight what statutory, private or voluntary services are available to enable disabled people to stay independent; 
  • To promote equipment and aids that could maintain or improve independence, not just what is offered by statutory service providers, we want everyone to see the best and/or latest designs; 
  • To provide an opportunity to showcase what disabled people can do, in the field of Sport, Arts and Entertainment 


This is an area that the Directors of SSES have a strong, personal, connection with, and understand the importance of offering opportunities to everyone that would like them.  


Working within the early years, children and young people sector we are all about allowing children to develop at their own pace and working out how a whole group of diverse children and their needs can enjoy an activity. This may involve allowing longer time for the activity, having an extra pair of hands, adapting an activity, or buying/renting a specialist piece of equipment. I cannot imagine how a child or young person would feel if they had to stand by and watch all their friends take part in something they would love to enjoy. One of the Directors children went to a special school and they saw first- hand how adapted equipment, and the amazing staff, could impact so much on a child’s life. 


All the standards that we are/will be End-Point Assessing are around children and young people. During the EPAs the apprentice has the opportunity to showcase how they are inclusive and what they do to promote that. We here at SSES are looking forward to seeing the SENCO Level 7 approved, giving people the opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and behaviours to such a level can only be of benefit to everyone involved in supporting individuals with physical and/or learning disabilities. The Children, Young People and Families standards support children and young people with different needs, and we are hoping to be End-Point Assessing these in the new year.